Monday, March 11, 2019

Book Review: Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu

                            Moxie Girl's Fight Back!

Hey Grrls! Today I am bringing you a totally rad unspoilery review of Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu!  I hope y'all enjoy it! now let's get this party started!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

November Wrap-up and March TBR

Wow, wow, wow! can you guys believe we are already in the 3rd month of 2019?! I know I can't! like what happened to 2018? It just flew right by!

So here is a wrap up of the books I read in Feb. I didn't do too terrible last month. I read a total of 7 books of those 7 two were rereads that I was reading for two Instagram readathons!